Many of our growers have additional certifications that help them get into new markets, assure environmental protection, and provide customers with more information on their practices.
Certified Organic
What: Overall, organic operations must demonstrate that they are protecting natural resources, conserving biodiversity, and using only approved substances.
Good Agricultural Practices
What: GAP involves voluntary audits that verify that fruits and vegetables are produced, packed, handled, and stored as safely as possible to minimize risks of microbial food safety hazards.
MI Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program
What: MAEAP is a program that helps farms of all sizes and all commodities voluntarily prevent or minimize agricultural pollution risks. They help ensure that MI farmers are engaging in cost-effective pollution prevention practices while complying with state and federal environmental regulations.
Bike Benefits is a national incentive program that allows participating small businesses to give discounts to customers that run their errands by bike.
How it works at our Market: Purchase a $5 Bike Benefits sticker from the Market Office. Show us the sticker each time you ride your bike to the Market and receive a FREE $2 token to spend with your favorite vendors. Visit the Market Office for more details and to get started!
Other local businesses around Kalamazoo may also have their own discounts. At the Co-op, for instance, we offer $2 off a $10 purchase! Find other participating businesses on the Bike Benefits website.
Someday we hope to be a zero waste market, meaning we wouldn't send any waste to the landfill and would instead reuse, recycle, and rot (compost). We're taking small actions every day to get us there, which include donating excess produce to Loaves and Fishes, sending compost home with a Vendor for chicken feed, and we are currently working to get all of our vendors using reusable or compostable food and drink containers.
Bring Your Own Bag: Every. Day. It's easy to forget, but make it a primary goal for a month and take the time to go back to your car to grab it when you forget.
Buy Produce Bags: Filling your reusable bag with five plastic bags to separate your veggies has it's own set of problems. Invest in a few produce bags and stash them in your grocery bag for easy access.
Coffee Cups and Water Bottles: Cups and bottles make up the bulk of our landfill bins. Bring your own to help us out! If you forget, go "topless" and skip the lid, and remember to visit the new hydration station by the Market bathrooms to fill up your water bottle.
Utensils: Planning on staying for lunch? Keep a fork and napkin in your market bag and skip the plastic ones. Although they are made with plastic, they are not recyclable in our facilities.
Since 2016, we've partnered with Kalamazoo Loaves and Fishes to assist with food donations on market. They've been a tremendous help staffing volunteers, creating connections with farmers, and ultimately getting what would have gone to waste in the fields into the hands of those who need it most.
2016: 27,561 pounds
2017: 28,670 pounds
2018: 19,316 pounds
2020: 15,561 pounds
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