Kalamazoo Farmers Market Renovations

Phase 1 has started!

Phase 2 started in November of 2024!

“A 8,865-square-foot building is going up on what used to be a grassy field next to the Kalamazoo Farmers Market’s south shed. The $5.4 million building at 1204 Bank St. will have a large kitchen for classes and demonstrations, a youth development office and a space for meetings, events and youth programs.”-mlive

More info here.

Phase 1 is Complete!

Phase 1 of the project included new and improved vendor spaces, updated restrooms with more stalls, and more accessible parking.


  • Realignment of Bank Street: straightening the street at its intersection with Lake St allows for increased parking and improved visibility

  • Significant Upgrades to Vendor Sheds: the newly constructed West pavilion features additional space for vendors, and the North and South pavilions have been renovated

  • New Access to the Kalamazoo River Valley Trail: the KRVT has been extended from Upjohn Park along Lake St to Bank St, continues south through the Market and along Reed Ct

  • New Restroom & Office Building: the newly constructed building in the Courtyard includes more restroom stalls with improved accessibility, more storage, and an improved Market Office space


  • Events Building: the construction of an 8,865 square foot Events Building for year-round use

  • Playground: the construction of an engaging playground at the KFM site, further encouraging healthy play and recreation for residents, visitors, and the youth participating in onsite youth programming


News & Updates

September 16, 2024: Phase 2 to Begin Soon

Phase 2 of the Kalamazoo Farmers Market redesign project includes a multipurpose building. The building will serve as the Kzoo Parks and Recreation main after-school site, replacing the Youth Development Center, as well as a summer Camp Kzoo site. The building will also serve as a meeting space, have commercial kitchen for demonstrations and cooking classes, and be able to host winter farmers markets. The building is expected to be completed in 2025.

June 25, 2022: Community Invited to Ribbon Cutting

The first phase of renovations for the Kalamazoo Farmers Market is nearing completion, and the community is invited to attend a ribbon cutting ceremony to celebrate on Saturday, June 25 at 10 a.m. at the Kalamazoo Farmers Market (1204 Bank St). The ceremony will include remarks by Mayor David Anderson, Deputy City Manager Jeff Chamberlain, Foundation for Excellence Manager Steve Brown, and General Manager of People’s Food Co-op Chris Dilley. Read more…

June 21, 2022: Bathrooms Now Open! Parking Lot to Be Complete by Ribbon Cutting Ceremony on Saturday

The bathrooms at the Market are now functional and will be usable for this week’s Thursday and Saturday Markets. Once the portable restrooms are removed, the bike racks can be relocated.

The parking lot is being striped and will be completed in time for Saturday Market too, so please swing by and join us for the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony during the Market on Saturday, June 25!

June 7, 2022: Tuesday and Thursday Markets Start This Week! Construction Still in Progress.

Vendors will be set up under the North Pavilion for these smaller markets, as shown on our Market Map (scroll down to see Tuesdays and Thursdays).

Roofing on the West Pavilion is still under construction, and should be done within the next week or so. Roofing on the North and South Vendor Pavilions is complete. Vendor tables have been installed under all 3 Pavilions.

Portable restrooms and handwashing stations will be available during the Market until the construction of the restroom building is complete. This is currently planned to be done by the week of June 12.

The curb surrounding the Market Office is being painted, and should be complete by the next Saturday Market.

The parking lot is planned to be completed and striped the week of June 20th.

June 2, 2022: More Seating in Place for the next Saturday Market. Construction Still in Progress.

More tables and benches are now at the Market, just in time for you to enjoy your next pastry or Italian sausage at the Market on Saturday!

May 7, 2022: Kalamazoo Farmers Market Opening Day! Construction Still in Progress.

Vendors will be set up as shown on our Market Map for Opening Day. See our Kalamazoo Farmers Market page for parking info and more.

The cement inside the Courtyard has been poured, so Courtyard Vendors will be set up there as shown on the Market Map.

Roofing on the North and South Vendor Pavilions is mostly complete and tables have been installed. The roof under the West Pavilion is also still under construction, and those vendor tables will be installed after it’s complete.

Portable restrooms and handwashing stations will be available during the Market until the construction of the restroom building is complete.

April 14, 2022: Construction Crews are at the Market Site Continuing Work on Roofing the Pavilions, Paving, Electrical, and More

Pardon our dust! The construction company is expecting their work to continue into May, so some areas of the Market site may be closed or have limited access. Please follow all posted signage while shopping fresh food and handmade goods at the Kalamazoo Farmers Market’s Opening Day on Saturday, May from 7 am to 2 pm!

Kalamazoo Farmers Market construction update, Bank Street new vendor pavilion partially completed with new pavement under blue sky
Kalamazoo Farmers Market construction update, Bank Street new vendor pavilion partially completed with new pavement, new sidewalks under blue sky

On Monday, December 6, 2021 the City Commission accepted a $1,000,000 grant from the Irving S Gilmore Foundation to support the second phase of the Kalamazoo Farmer's Market redevelopment including the construction of the Events Building and a playground on the site.

The Kalamazoo Farmer's Market (KFM) serves as a community hub in the heart of the Edison Neighborhood, bringing not only fresh food into an area that otherwise provides little access to it, but also bringing culture, art, music, and events to residents from across the City of Kalamazoo. The KFM's proximity to the Kalamazoo River Valley Trail and Upjohn Park provides access to free or low-cost recreation, further meeting the goals of the community as stated in the Edison Neighborhood Plan. In short, the KFM fulfills a unique role in our community. The KFM is, however, in need of significant renovations to ensure it is able to serve our community well into the future.

The first phase of the renovations is almost complete, strengthening the KFM's capacity to serve in its unique community role. Bank Street has been realigned and the KFM market stalls are being significantly upgraded while new bathrooms and office space are being incorporated into the site. This work was done with generous community support. Read more…

April 8, 2021: City Commission Approves $4.2 Million for Improvements to Kalamazoo Farmers Market

Rendering of the Kalamazoo Farmers Market renovations planned at 1204 Bank Street with new vendor sheds, pavement, bike access to Kalamazoo River Valley Trail
Kzoo Parks rendering of the Kalamazoo Farmers Market site renovations, new access to Kalamazoo River Valley Trail, more paved parking

Initial rendering of the Kalamazoo Farmers Markets showing Bank Street realigned and the future layout of the pavilion. These plans have since been updated.

On April 5, the Kalamazoo City Commission approved bids and $4.2 million of Capital Improvement Project bond funding for an improvement project to renovate the Kalamazoo Farmers Market. Construction is expected to begin in late April and take approximately a year to complete.

The project will add new vendor space on the Market’s western edge and renovate the existing vendor sheds. A new restroom and office building will be built, more than doubling the number of restroom facilities and adding a family restroom. A performance stage will also be added to expand the Market’s entertainment options.

As part of the project, Bank Street will be realigned at the intersection with Lake Street. This will create additional room for parking on the north side of the market, and parking areas will be paved on both sides of the Market.

The Kalamazoo River Valley Trail will also be connected to the Market. It will be extended from where it currently ends at the south end of Upjohn Park along Lake Street to Bank Street. The trail will continue south through the Market and along Reed Court. New bike racks will also be installed at the market. On April 5, the Kalamazoo City Commission approved bids and $4.2 million of Capital Improvement Project bond funding for an improvement project to renovate the Kalamazoo Farmers Market. Construction is expected to begin in late April and take approximately a year to complete.

The project will add new vendor space on the Market’s western edge and renovate the existing vendor sheds. A new restroom and office building will be built, more than doubling the number of restroom facilities and adding a family restroom. A performance stage will also be added to expand the Market’s entertainment options. 

As part of the project, Bank Street will be realigned at the intersection with Lake Street. This will create additional room for parking on the north side of the market, and parking areas will be paved on both sides of the Market. 

The Kalamazoo River Valley Trail will also be connected to the Market. It will be extended from where it currently ends at the south end of Upjohn Park along Lake Street to Bank Street. The trail will continue south through the Market and along Reed Court. New bike racks will also be installed at the market.

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