White currants, new potatoes, mint, mushrooms, sweet cherries, eggs, summer squash and zucchini, garlic scapes, garlic, radishes, sweet onions.
Meal Ideas: currant bars, mint iced tea, sautéed vegetables and eggs.
Seems boring this week, right? To be honest, most of my meals these days consist of eggs and vegetables sautéed with a little olive oil and spices. Everything is so fresh and delicious that it doesn't need much to help it along, and it's been so hot lately that turning on the oven can be a chore. Each week there is something new at the market to add flavor and some variety, and it makes eating a locavore diet simple. Plus, there's only ever one pan to clean at the end of the day and we all know that's what really matters!
And next week... blueberries!