
Green Beans, Japenese Cucumber, Eggplant, Oat Milk from The Grainery made with their fresh milled oats, Watermelon, The Victorian Bakery Kalamazoo Sourdough Bread, Peaches, Zucchini Squash, Bell Pepper, Arugula

Featured Produce: Watermelon

Selecting Watermelon: Watermelons have a big spot on its rind where it was in contact with the ground. When it’s ripe, this spot is a creamy or buttery yellow. Also, you’ll want a watermelon that feels heavy for its size and has a hard rind.

Storing Watermelon: If stored in a cool, dry area around 45 °F to 50 °F, uncut watermelons can safely last up to 2 weeks. If you cut it, wrap it tightly and refrigerate to eat within the next few days.

Cutting Watermelon: Check out this method of cutting watermelon into bite-sized pieces.

Some of our favorite recipes using what’s fresh at the market this week: