Blueberries, green peppers, eggs, cabbage, kale, pickling cucumbers, sung olds, green beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, patty pan squash, green onions

Meal Ideas: vegetable soup, blueberry cobbler, refrigerator pickles, pancakes with blueberry sauce, green beans and beef stir fry, kale salad (tomatoes, cucumbers, blueberries), breakfast nachos (peppers, tomatoes, eggs, green onions), savory cabbage pancakes 

Today let's talk about canned tomatoes. They're a staple in so many recipes, but did you know that those cans are often lined with BPA? Besides that, they sometimes don't have all that much flavor, and we all know fresh, locally grown tomatoes are on a whole other level! You can substitute fresh in place of a 15 oz can by mashing up one large tomato, and adding in around a half cup of water, give or take depending on how juicy the tomato is. Use your best judgement. We tried this method in our vegetable soup this week, and it turned out amazing!